Monday, December 23, 2013

Gifted Characteristics

Great Read :) Have a good day!

(Posted by Dr. Hedrick on Twitter)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

STEM Games

@Graphite: Go Car Go is a fun game that puts #physics into action. Find 6 more #STEM apps:

Maybe some of these would be good on a device for holiday traveling?


Posted on Twitter by Dr. Hedrick: ODC parents...consider joining #NAGC and subscribing to PHP-a great resource!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Thank you!!!!

Thank you parents for a wonderful winter party! Your generous donations of food, crafts, and your time made it fun for all.

Keep Calm

ODC rocks! Thank you amazing administration! These are awesome :)

Happy Holidays!!!!!!

Happy Holidays to my ODC family! It's so nice to call this home. Staff, students and families- Have a wonderful and safe vacation!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

This is Athens!

One of the greatest compliments in teaching: your students asking to do it again tomorrow. I will see my fellow Athenians in the a.m. :)


Reminder- Holiday Party tomorrow at 1:00 pm. Please join us! Update: Mrs. Geary won't be able to come, but will see us right after break. :)

Big Ideas

Deep connections: students discussed the importance of the roles in Ancient Athens. They saw these make a system that includes structures.

Life in Ancient Athens

Learning about life in Ancient Athens through a mini-simulation. Students take on different roles to learn about government and more! Fun!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Free Time?

Free time this break? Visit a museum and make note of the design features. It'll spark ideas for our own creations!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Snowball fight!

Quote of the day: "Mrs. Follin- You've stepped up your game since you've been gone! This is cool!" Ask them about the snowball fight!!!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Jumping right in!

Great to be back. We're picking right up with the Greece research started last week. Ask your child what he/she learned from research today.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thank you Mrs. Geary!

I'll be back on Monday :) Please help thank Mrs. Geary for her amazing work with our class! We are so appreciative.