Monday, March 31, 2014

Roots and Affixes

Discussing ex. and non-examples of words that contain roots and affixes. Students made new words that fit ex. Favorites-prelunch and relunch

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Almost ready!

Student created book clubs are almost ready to start! Today students laid out the details of their chosen tasks. Ask your child about it!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This Saturday = fun!

Saturday school's going to be awesome! Dress as your favorite word, continuing oysters and wetland grasses, and starting digital portfolios!

Student Chosen Book Clubs!

Students keep asking "What's next?" Today they start planning their book clubs. What will their group do before, during, and after reading?

Ancient Civilizations!

As a culminating activity, students are using a TABA to: list ideas, group and name them, and form generalizations.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ancient Civilizations!

As a culminating activity, students are using a TABA to: list ideas, group and name them, and form generalizations.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Now that's a sundae!

@odcpta Wow-check that out! I can still smell the sugar from the BoxTop Party-That'll get kids bringing Boxtops in!

BoxTop Party!

Thank you Mrs. Collins and @odcpta for our BoxTop ice cream sundae party! We had a blast!

In-house Field Trip!

Braintrek came today and introduced us to the Age of Exploration. It was interactive, informative and fun!

Spring Scholastic Orders!

Scholastic order forms are in backpacks- due March 28th. Order some books for spring break and Easter reading! (Thank you Mrs. Steele!)

Student created groups!

Students shopped in the scholastic catalog to form student chosen book clubs based on interest. We're putting our class points to good use!

Friday, March 14, 2014


It worked! The Rube Goldberg Machine worked one time and we recorded it! Can't wait to show the kids Monday!!! Persistence pays off!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Come join us!

Tomorrow is another big day: Rube Goldberg Machine Sharing! We hope you can join us at 11:15am or 3:15pm. Get ready to be amazed!

Untamed Spirit Quest

Untamed Spirit was a popular table to visit. They raised money and awareness. The students sharing were impressive!

Beach Bags Quest

A student shared the need for Beach Bags and explained she didn't know about this program before Quest.

Autism Awareness Quest

Students create awareness for organizations in our community. Autism Awareness sells Blue Grams Mar 31- Apr 2.

Lynnhaven River NOW Quest

Wow! Students share their work at the Community Service Fair to culminate their time in Quest.

Trashless Lunch Thursday

Today is the first "Trashless Lunch Thursday" sponsored by a Lynnhaven River NOW Quest. Students asking students to be sustainable. Powerful

We want your trash.

Did you know ODC's collecting bottle caps that'll be sent to a local factory and made into materials for the roof on our new building?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mali Research

Using CultureGrams to learn more about Mali. Access it from home on the "Sites To See" section of the ODC we page.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Picture day 3-12

Say cheese! Individual Spring pictures tomorrow and class pictures as well. Must pay by tomorrow. Forms went home in previous Thurs. folders

Multiplication and Fractions

As we continue our work in fractions, students found the need for multiplication facts. Keep practicing 2-12's for homework until secure.

Friday, March 7, 2014

We Hope You Can Come!

Come see our Rube Goldberg Machine in action next Friday, March 14th at 11:15am (and you can stay for lunch :) or after school at 3:15pm.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Our Rube Goldberg Machine has led to the need for a zip line across the classroom.... Rube had taken over!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Deeper connections

Today: On their own students instantly took the Mali discussions to the enduring understanding that "Where you live affects how you live"!!!


Students generated questions about Mali. Growth was evident as the rich questions related to government and environment kept coming!