Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mrs. Melissa Follin

Fourth Grade

Kemps Landing/Old Donation School

Twitter: @Follin4Fourth

Facebook Page: Mrs. Follin’s Fourth Grade


Schools Phone: (757) 648-3240


I hope this letter finds you well-rested from a great summer vacation!

Next week begins a brand new school year for all of us, and I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of my students. As always, the start of a school year holds the promise of new discovery and learning, as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas. My purpose in writing is to provide you with some general information about our upcoming year together. 


Gifted Curriculum

As a magnet school for gifted students, our curriculum is catered to the instructional needs as well as the socio-emotional needs of gifted students. While we still adhere to the Virginia Beach Objectives for 4th grade instruction, we also address the Virginia Beach Gifted Benchmarks to better meet the needs of your child. Instruction is differentiated to ensure that each child is being challenged and engaged in quality learning opportunities. Our instruction is integrated and authentic in nature. We plan to give students as many chances to apply knowledge and skills in a real world setting as possible. This year the 4th grade team will have a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) focus as well as the idea of students as “Makers”.



Students are allowed into the building at 8:15am. The school day officially begins at 8:25am.

PE 10:35-11:20am Daily

Art 8:45-9:30am Fridays

Music 1:55-2:40 Tuesdays

Lunch 12:15-12:45pm


Virginia Beach Schools has a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy which is available online and will be distributed with beginning of the year paperwork. Students are allowed (but NOT required) to bring a device (iPad, iPod, Kindle, Nook, Laptop, Tablet, Smart phone, etc.) to use in the classroom. We will allow students to read eBooks during independent reading time.


Students will be using their own SharePoint account this school year which can be accessed from any school computer and from home. Students can use this to store work they are completing electronically.


Each student will setup an Edmodo account within the first week of school. This is a safe, secure way for our class to discuss and communicate. We will use this program regularly and discussion posts will be a part of homework. Specific rules and expectations will be sent home during the first two weeks of school.


Homework Policy/Planners/Homework Folders

Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis. Students will be expected to read nightly and participate in Edmodo discussions weekly. Other assignments will be given on a weekly basis and will be due on Fridays. By assigning homework on a weekly basis it allows for students to develop time management skills to ensure that the tasks are completed in the time allotted. Additional practice may be assigned to help a student master skills being learned in the classroom on an as needed basis. If work is not completed in class in a timely fashion it may be sent home to be completed but will typically include a note to explain the expectation.

Standards Based Grading

Virginia Beach Schools began moving towards Standards Based Grading district-wide last year in Grade 3. This will expand to 4th grade this year. Standards based grading allows for me to provide more specific feedback about your child’s performance. Students will no longer receive letter grades but instead they will receive proficiency ratings- AP (Advanced Proficient), P (Proficient), DP (Developing Proficiency), or N (Novice). Grades will be updated weekly and are available to view in the Parent Portal via the school website. Progress reports will be sent electronically half way through the quarter. Report cards will be printed and distributed at the end of each quarter.

Behavior Management

During the first few days of school we will be working as a class to develop a set of rules to guide us through the school year. Once these rules have been developed and agreed upon, I will be sending a copy home for parents to review.

Water Consumption

I permit my students to bring a water bottle to school to keep on their desks during the day and to use at recess. Plain water is the only beverage permitted, and the bottle must have a secure lid. Water bottles should be taken home regularly to be cleaned.




Lunch Money

Students must either purchase a lunch from the cafeteria or bring a lunch from home.  Our school has a computerized system that effectively keeps track of all money paid into each child's account. Parents can either send in a check/cash with the child or pay online. The cost of school lunch is $2.50 (40 cents for reduced) so a week of meals will cost $12.50 (full price) or $2.00 (reduced price). The cost of school breakfast is $1.15 (30 cents for reduced). Students have the option to buy a la carte items (they range from $0.50-$1.50). All lunch money should be turned in the morning by the student to be taken to the cafeteria. If you need to apply for free or reduced lunch, please see the school office.



We will have two parties during the year- a winter holiday party and an end of year party. Our classroom parent will help organize these events. At other holidays we may have a fun snack or a craft but it will be curriculum based. Birthdays are a big part of every child’s life- if you wish to bring/send a special treat for your child’s birthday, please do so during our lunch time (you may also send in the snack in the morning for us to take to lunch with us). If you are sending in birthday party invitations they must be done for all (all boys or all girls is okay as well). Please keep in mind the PTA does compile a PTA parent directory that can be used for contact outside of school.


Parent Communication

I believe that strong relationships between teachers, parents, and students lead to the most successful educational environment. The fastest way to get in touch with me is by e-mail, If you do not have Internet Access, I am available by phone at school (757-648-3240) from 8:00 until around 4:30. Please understand that during the school day (8:25-3:30) instruction is my greatest priority- so I may not be able to respond until afterschool. Please also feel free to set up a conference at your convenience to discuss your child’s progress.

To help with communication about student work, your child will bring home a Take-Home Folder with work from the previous week each Thursday.  Please keep the contents and return the folder on Friday. There will be a sheet to sign in the take-home folder for parents to sign after reviewing the work. Any unsatisfactory work will come home to be signed in your child’s binder. Any important information throughout the week will come home in your child’s binder.


I am looking forward to a fantastic school year! Please feel free to contact me with any questions!



Melissa Follin