Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Quarter 4 Updates!

Quarter 4!

It’s hard to believe we are in our final quarter! I am sure you cannot believe you have an almost 5th grader and I can’t believe I have 8 weeks left before they continue on in their journey. As I look to what lies ahead, I can honestly say we will make the most of it!

April 22nd is Earth Day! Wear Green! Pack a Trashless Lunch! We will use less electricity by doing most of our day outside and save paper by not using anything copied.

Homework- No homework while on the extended hours. If students do not complete classwork in time or need additional practice, they may have tasks come home from time-to-time.

Impressive Work! Students created their ArcGIS Story Maps that they shared with you right before Spring Break. The following links includes a map that showcases each one. Enjoy! http://kempsodc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=ce337338ccb644aa8fa776ec94b9009c

Math and Science- We have moved into measurement! Students will continue to see how these two are connected as they apply measurements concepts to real-world situations including the experimental design process. Students wrapped up length with a mini-lab measuring their oysters and marsh grasses. They have already assessed on length and it is in their binder. Tomorrow they will assess on volume (US Customary system) and finish the lab we started today. We participated in a STEM activity as students designed their own bubble wands, determined parts of an experiment including linking the hypothesis and variables, and will use measurement skills to carry the experiment out tomorrow. Next we will work on mass and weight in both the US Customary and Metric Systems (https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-fourth-grade-math/cc-4th-measurement-topic/cc-4th-metric-US-customary/v/metric-weight).

Reading and Social Studies/Science- We are fine-tuning our research skills as we continue on our river adventures! Students chose a river by interest and are tasked with creating a National Geographic Photojournal Article that portrays the economic, environmental, and social systems at work within and around their river. We are focused on citing sources and taking paraphrased notes. From here, students will put it altogether in a well-constructed article. We have spent time working whole group and in pairs to analyze the structure and content of photjournal articles before we begin our own in a couple weeks. Students blew me away with their recollection of systems as they described the Nile River System as a jumping off point for our work. We have spent time this year looking at rivers locally. Through this unit students will look nationally and globally all while developing the concept of interdependence and relationships. Our mapping and geography objectives will come alive as they prove the enduring understanding: Location Matters to piggy-back off of last year’s: Where you live affects how you live.

Reading- Last week we used the Junior Great Book text, “Thunder, Elephant, and Dorobo” to focus on inferencing. Students shared their thoughts in writing by making a chart in Word and reviewing another’s via the note feature. They then shared their ideas verbally in a shared inquiry discussions. I have to say, their growth is evident as they carry on discussions and question one another in an advanced manner. Interest-based novel studies will begin soon and take us to the end of the year.

Writing- While we are taking many notes for research, we are also creating persuasive pieces on different topics. Students brainstormed topics where they have an invested interest. We spent time reviewing a structure to keep it organized. Students are currently peer revising and editing before they publish final copies. Look out for these coming home! When students identified their target audience, parents were on the top of the list! Their final writing assessment on “produces clear and coherent writing” will be a persuasive piece to get others to install floating wetlands (something we will design and construct one of soon).

SOLs- Please mark your calendars with our SOL dates. Math is May 28th and May 29th. Reading is June 1st. Students need to make every effort to be here on testing days and avoid ant appointments. All year we discuss test taking strategies, doing your personal best, as well as reteaching and reviewing information. Students work in flex groups so they can focus on areas of need. From time-to-time we purposefully use a multiple choice format so that students are familiar. To help students prepare, please continue sustained reading at home. Our reading test is done in one sitting as 4th graders and this is different from the two days spent on it last year. Sustained reading time in preparation for this will help students have the stamina needed to do their best throughout the entire test.

Odds and Ends-
·         Spring has sprung and our students are getting older. Please time a minute to evaluate the deodorant situation and needs of your child. We have warm days full of activities, like PE, and our students are very active. Our room has become pretty stinky after PE many days.
·         Please return pictures or picture money ASAP.
·         Please return report card envelopes ASAP.
·         BYOD- We encourage students to bring devices and have times during the day when we use them along with what we are doing. Students are always welcome to read an electronic book as their independent reading book of choice. However, if a device is not available, we will have school devices available for those students.

Upcoming Events-
4/25 Gifted Dance Recital @ Virginia Beach MS 12:00 PM & 3:00 PM
4/27 International Tattoo Music Performance (Whole School Assembly) @ Track 9:30 AM
5/18 Dave and Busters Spirit Night
5/22 Final Day of Extended Time AND Tides Family Spirit Night 6:00 PM
5/25 Memorial Day (School Closed)
5/30 Spring Carnival 11:00 AM

April 22nd is Earth Day! Wear Green! Pack a Trashless Lunch! We will use less electricity by doing most of our day outside and save paper by not using anything copied.

·         Do you sew? We are looking for some adults to sew “Eagle Bags” (reusable sandwich bags the kids designed last year). The sewing kits will come with materials to sew 10 of them.
·         We are in need of dry erase markers and tissues. If you can donate some we’d greatly appreciate it. I’ll write your name on them as they come in. If we end up with too many, I’ll send them back at the end of the year so you can use them for your supply list next year.

Thank you! Thank you for the birthday wishes and goodies that came my way. You all spoil me beyond belief and I am grateful for your kindness and support.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtfully committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead

Have a wonderful week! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mrs. Follin’s 4th Grade ~ Week of January 20th

Homework: Always posted on Edmodo
Language Arts- Main Idea: Watch the Brain Pop! On Main Idea. Once you have finished, take the quiz at the end. Either e-mail me your score at the end or print it and bring it in.
(You have an assessment on Friday.)

Math: TenMarks Reviews- Two assignments are loaded in and due by Friday.                  
Previous assignment to complete if you didn’t by Monday: Expressing Place Value Through the Thousandths.
Assignments for this week: Complete Place Value and Multi-Digit Decimals- This assignment is difficult. Please watch the video segments if you need help.

Science: Ocean Zones: Grade Level Task: Read the article attached to the homework assignment on Edmodo- on ocean zones. Highlight important information and add illustrations to enhance the reader’s experience. You have an assessment on this Friday.
Enrichment Task: Our 4th grade version of the zones is a simplified version (it includes only three). However, scientists in the field look at this in a more detailed way and have more than three zones. What other zones exist? Sketch a picture of the ocean zones and add in the characteristics of that zone (animal life, water temperature).

What We’re Learning
Reading/Language Arts- We are wrapping our William and Mary Unit, Literary Reflections as well as novel studies this week. We are working on grade level skills (main idea) as well as using these skills to analyze text in a complex way (providing evidence to support generalizations of our macro-concept, change, that exist throughout the story). Students will be assessed on main idea Friday.

Math- Decimals! We need to read, write, compare and round them! For many students, decimals are something new and they have only used them when working with money. Ask your child simple questions to check for understanding. How do you read this number? (56.457) When we read decimals, the decimal point is always said as “and”, rather than “point”. Which is larger? 6.543 or 6.45; 9.452 or 9.45 Students will be assessed on reading, writing, and comparing decimals by Friday.

Science and Writing- Students are wrapping up their performance tasks this Wednesday! These include many science and writing objectives. Once assessed, they will be in their binders for you to review. Students will also be assessed this week on the ocean floor and ocean zones. This information was explained in our presentation at the aquarium last week. We will also spend time on it this week and during homework making sure we understand.

Conferences: If you’d like to schedule a conference at school or over the phone, please e-mail a request. If I didn’t get to meet with you first quarter, please expect a letter from me requesting a conference.

Creators and not just consumers! One of the challenges with technology integration is to have a balance between students consuming information at the click of a finger as well as using apps and web-programs to synthesize and apply information by creating something original. A HUGE thank you to our chaperones for the field trip who helped students stay focused and take notes and photos of their chosen topic. Students created ThingLinks to share their knowledge. Please view them at: https://www.thinglink.com/channel/611292136427487234 Also, if you see Mrs. Troxell, our Computer Teacher, thank her for her continued support and innovation. She got us all started and joined us on the trip and the remainder of the day to make sure all ran smoothly.

Clubs: Please check the calendar to make sure your child knows when his or her after-school clubs meet. It is exciting to have so many offered and so many students participating!  
PE 10:35-11:20
Novel Studies across 4th grade 11:25-12:10- Tues. & Thurs. (Last week, we resume Feb. 9th)
Lunch 12:15-12:45

Upcoming Events
January 22nd- Assembly/Author Visit for Reading Month! 2pm-3pm
January 23rd Admirals Game (tickets from school had to be pre-ordered) 7-9pm
Week of the 24th-26th- Possible Skype session with Tim Cole, VBCPS Chief Sustainability officer, and Rob Berz, RRMM Architect, on our new school! If you ever want to attend, let me know and I will send you details!
January 26th and 27th- Staff Days- No School for Students (No DARE or Music)
February 4th 9:30-11:45am Symphony Field Trip to the Sandler

Melissa A. Follin
Kemps Landing/Old Donation School
Follow us!
Facebook Page: follin4fourth
Twitter: @follin4fourth