Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mrs. Follin’s 4th Grade ~ Week of January 20th

Homework: Always posted on Edmodo
Language Arts- Main Idea: Watch the Brain Pop! On Main Idea. Once you have finished, take the quiz at the end. Either e-mail me your score at the end or print it and bring it in.
(You have an assessment on Friday.)

Math: TenMarks Reviews- Two assignments are loaded in and due by Friday.                  
Previous assignment to complete if you didn’t by Monday: Expressing Place Value Through the Thousandths.
Assignments for this week: Complete Place Value and Multi-Digit Decimals- This assignment is difficult. Please watch the video segments if you need help.

Science: Ocean Zones: Grade Level Task: Read the article attached to the homework assignment on Edmodo- on ocean zones. Highlight important information and add illustrations to enhance the reader’s experience. You have an assessment on this Friday.
Enrichment Task: Our 4th grade version of the zones is a simplified version (it includes only three). However, scientists in the field look at this in a more detailed way and have more than three zones. What other zones exist? Sketch a picture of the ocean zones and add in the characteristics of that zone (animal life, water temperature).

What We’re Learning
Reading/Language Arts- We are wrapping our William and Mary Unit, Literary Reflections as well as novel studies this week. We are working on grade level skills (main idea) as well as using these skills to analyze text in a complex way (providing evidence to support generalizations of our macro-concept, change, that exist throughout the story). Students will be assessed on main idea Friday.

Math- Decimals! We need to read, write, compare and round them! For many students, decimals are something new and they have only used them when working with money. Ask your child simple questions to check for understanding. How do you read this number? (56.457) When we read decimals, the decimal point is always said as “and”, rather than “point”. Which is larger? 6.543 or 6.45; 9.452 or 9.45 Students will be assessed on reading, writing, and comparing decimals by Friday.

Science and Writing- Students are wrapping up their performance tasks this Wednesday! These include many science and writing objectives. Once assessed, they will be in their binders for you to review. Students will also be assessed this week on the ocean floor and ocean zones. This information was explained in our presentation at the aquarium last week. We will also spend time on it this week and during homework making sure we understand.

Conferences: If you’d like to schedule a conference at school or over the phone, please e-mail a request. If I didn’t get to meet with you first quarter, please expect a letter from me requesting a conference.

Creators and not just consumers! One of the challenges with technology integration is to have a balance between students consuming information at the click of a finger as well as using apps and web-programs to synthesize and apply information by creating something original. A HUGE thank you to our chaperones for the field trip who helped students stay focused and take notes and photos of their chosen topic. Students created ThingLinks to share their knowledge. Please view them at: Also, if you see Mrs. Troxell, our Computer Teacher, thank her for her continued support and innovation. She got us all started and joined us on the trip and the remainder of the day to make sure all ran smoothly.

Clubs: Please check the calendar to make sure your child knows when his or her after-school clubs meet. It is exciting to have so many offered and so many students participating!  
PE 10:35-11:20
Novel Studies across 4th grade 11:25-12:10- Tues. & Thurs. (Last week, we resume Feb. 9th)
Lunch 12:15-12:45

Upcoming Events
January 22nd- Assembly/Author Visit for Reading Month! 2pm-3pm
January 23rd Admirals Game (tickets from school had to be pre-ordered) 7-9pm
Week of the 24th-26th- Possible Skype session with Tim Cole, VBCPS Chief Sustainability officer, and Rob Berz, RRMM Architect, on our new school! If you ever want to attend, let me know and I will send you details!
January 26th and 27th- Staff Days- No School for Students (No DARE or Music)
February 4th 9:30-11:45am Symphony Field Trip to the Sandler

Melissa A. Follin
Kemps Landing/Old Donation School
Follow us!
Facebook Page: follin4fourth
Twitter: @follin4fourth