Monday, December 23, 2013

Gifted Characteristics

Great Read :) Have a good day!

(Posted by Dr. Hedrick on Twitter)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

STEM Games

@Graphite: Go Car Go is a fun game that puts #physics into action. Find 6 more #STEM apps:

Maybe some of these would be good on a device for holiday traveling?


Posted on Twitter by Dr. Hedrick: ODC parents...consider joining #NAGC and subscribing to PHP-a great resource!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Thank you!!!!

Thank you parents for a wonderful winter party! Your generous donations of food, crafts, and your time made it fun for all.

Keep Calm

ODC rocks! Thank you amazing administration! These are awesome :)

Happy Holidays!!!!!!

Happy Holidays to my ODC family! It's so nice to call this home. Staff, students and families- Have a wonderful and safe vacation!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

This is Athens!

One of the greatest compliments in teaching: your students asking to do it again tomorrow. I will see my fellow Athenians in the a.m. :)


Reminder- Holiday Party tomorrow at 1:00 pm. Please join us! Update: Mrs. Geary won't be able to come, but will see us right after break. :)

Big Ideas

Deep connections: students discussed the importance of the roles in Ancient Athens. They saw these make a system that includes structures.

Life in Ancient Athens

Learning about life in Ancient Athens through a mini-simulation. Students take on different roles to learn about government and more! Fun!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Free Time?

Free time this break? Visit a museum and make note of the design features. It'll spark ideas for our own creations!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Snowball fight!

Quote of the day: "Mrs. Follin- You've stepped up your game since you've been gone! This is cool!" Ask them about the snowball fight!!!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Jumping right in!

Great to be back. We're picking right up with the Greece research started last week. Ask your child what he/she learned from research today.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thank you Mrs. Geary!

I'll be back on Monday :) Please help thank Mrs. Geary for her amazing work with our class! We are so appreciative.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Oysters are interesting!

Wow! Our students are self-directed learners. They started their own discussion board in Edmodo to post information about oysters!!!! Kudos!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Box Tops!

Good work guys! Keep them coming!!!

Tweeted by @ODCprincipal: Mrs. Follin's class maintains a solid lead.

Monday, October 21, 2013

United Way

Posted on Twitter by @ODCprincipal: I helped fill the U for United Way! Students, bring a dollar and make a difference.

Science Update

What's going on in 3rd grade science at ODC? Ask your child- you won't want to miss out on this!

Sweet Caroline

We are doing well!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

It's a girl!

Baby Follin is here! Caroline Olivia was born at 6:17am weighing 5 lbs and 13 ozs, 19 inches long. We are doing well. Pics to come!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Meet and Greet

Parents- if you plan to attend the meet and greet, send a note for your child to be parent pick-up, sign him or her out and come down!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Our Year

Check out this video I made with @animoto - Room 13's Road Less Traveled

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thank you!

Thank you parents for coming to conferences over the past week. It was great talking to you about your wonderful children!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Come join us- Welcome Ms. Geary!

Save the date: Meet and Greet with Ms. Geary- Tuesday, October 15th 3:15-4:00pm in Room 13. Ms. Geary will be with you when I'm on leave.

Mangahigh Math

Excited for math practice with Mangahigh! Log-in info's taped inside student planners. Take a challenge or just play!

Mind Mapping

Tweeted by Dr. Hedrick: “@ODCprincipal: Teaching Creativity – The Case for Mind Mapping”

Parents- Check this out! You saw your child's at conferences.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Check your student's planner- two quick HW assignments and yes, one can involve a TV show if they choose & you approve. Both are due Friday.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


When working on estimating in math today...I learned many students do not like it when they don't have the exact answer! Ask them about this


We have been busy! Students are revising and editing their scientist writing so they can create their tech. products! It's exciting!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

We're Collecting.... Please help :)

Please send in Box Tops, Campbell's Soup Labels, Farm Fresh Receipts, and Bottle Caps. Tell your friends and family!

PTA club reminder

Quick reminder: club registration ends tonight (Sunday) at 11:59 pm. More info on the PTA website:

Friday, October 4, 2013

Are you entering?

PTA Reflections Contest entries are accepted starting Wednesday. Find forms on Let's enter!

Picture Day Reminder!

Picture day on Monday! Don't forget to send in this paper showing your background color.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Scholastic Book Orders have begun!

Thank you Mrs. Steele for setting up Scholastic! (FYI: Many girls are reading the Dear Dumb Diary Series-there's an enriched eBook- book 9)

Buddy work

Students worked on their rough drafts for their sci. tech projects and then met with a friend to review their work.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Room 13 News!

Room 13 News!
It is amazing how much we have accomplished in just one month! I hope your students are enjoying the journey as much as I am and taking time to share their experience with you! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns, and excitements throughout the year!

Below I want to give you a detailed overview of where we are with curriculum as well as an explanation of some of the structures that are in place for school and home.

Curriculum Overview

Language Arts:
We have spent much time focusing on genres where we not only determine fiction and non-fiction, but add more depth by analyzing sub-categories such as fantasy, mystery, traditional literature, etc. Each student has a genre guide in his or her reading folder at school and homework folder. Mrs. Smithson, our Library Media Specialist, has come in to work with us on genres and help us see how they are organized in the library. The true depth and complexity has come when students come across books that fit into multiple genres. We are working on sharing our thoughts and justifying them with evidence (in alignment with the gifted benchmark). Students questioned and discussed what we determined to be an “exception to the rule” as they connected to their previous research done on Betsy Ross. While each book/source is different, what do we do when we have a legend about a person from history? This challenged our thinking and led us in new directions.

We are developing our vocabulary by identifying new words, looking at their use in the text, creating our own ideas, and transferring our understanding to other stories and in our writing. When first studying the word “astonished”, students realized there were other examples in the text we read, The Banza, besides the one we discussed. Students connected this across different stories and used it in their writing. We will continue to take this approach throughout the year. (It comes from Junior Great Books that you will hear more about next week!)

Students have begun work in language arts small groups. During this time, students work in a variety of ways. They work independently on tasks and have to complete them in a designated time frame. They meet with me to read, discuss, develop skills and have a needs-based focus on a fiction or non-fiction book or piece of literature. They read independently and choose how they’d like to share their understanding. There are writing components that may integrate the social studies or science we are studying. What is constant is the fact that their skills being developed are language arts drive- with reading and writing as the heart of each and every task.

The DRA, Developmental Reading Assessment, has been used as a tool to determine individual student reading levels through the application of language arts skills. I can show you this and explain it further at our conference if you’d like.  

In writing we “got back to the basics” and grounded ourselves in a well written paragraph. We have focused on adding more detail to our writing so that we achieve the purpose we have set for our audience. We have learned to write for different reasons: note-taking, a persuasive letter, facts for research in our own words, blogging, a simple report and journaling. At this point in the year, the basics such as capitals, periods, common sight words spelled correctly (there, here, who, how, etc.) and complete sentences should be secure and used appropriately given the context of the writing. Please take a moment to review your student’s writing journal when you come to your conference.

We have also focused on homophones. We not only need to know what homophones are (there, their), but need to understand their meanings and apply them correctly in reading and writing.  

Word study will begin next week. Students will work with words on their developmental level during class. They will also bring them home once during the week to share their understanding with you.

We just wrapped up our numeration unit. You will be able to view your student’s assessments when you come to the conference. While there is an end of unit assessment, we assess as the unit goes on as to provide differentiated instruction that is tailored to the needs of your child. In this unit we studied numbers and our base-10 system (reading and writing 6 digit numbers, comparing numbers, rounding, and looking for patterns). We used resources such as Groundworks which embeds algebraic thinking, Math Exemplars to show application and understanding in an open-ended word problem, and M3 that adds depth and complexity to concepts so that we go deeper into the targeted objectives. Students practiced skills through a variety of ways- small groups targeting a skill, math games, whole group lessons to anchor us in a concept, verbally sharing understanding through class discussion and also independently using the Show Me app, and writing in math to organize and explain our thinking. We regularly visited our theme, STRUCTURES, and looked at how the structures within numeration bring understanding and order. We used Kaplan Icons to focus us on the correct language of the discipline, details needed to explain our thinking, and linking back to the big idea that is present (structures!). These icons are visual reminders of our focus and are used to promote depth and complexity.

Where are we headed? Our next unit is on computation: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Automaticity in basic math facts will provide a strong foundation that will aid in their success. We will introduce an online math resource titled Mangahigh Math that will allow students a means to practice and track progress at school and at home. Our work in this unit will begin with addition and subtraction.

Matter is everywhere! Through hands-on experiments and activities as well as research, students deepened their understanding of this topic that they have studied in previous years. The third grade  unit put a strong focus on observable physical properties and the connection between these and how we can change matter. Students investigated this concept and designed their own experiment, with support, to show what they had learned. The use of a concept map solidified our understanding as we saw the organization of what we studied. From the start, their questions proved to go beyond third grade curriculum as they wanted to learn about dark matter and plasma, in particular. These sparked great conversation regarding best practices in research and how to connect to such advanced science concepts. One thing led us to another and modeled for us how good researchers start with one question, but end up adding new questions as they learn more. (Example- What is plasma?--- in natural form is the Northern Lights. What are the Northern Lights?) Much of their work was completed in their process logs that you can review when you come to your conference.

Social Studies:
We started the year with a quick, mini-unit on being a good citizen and how we can help our community. This idea of community will tie into diversity and government as we revisit it throughout the year.  We are currently just beginning our Geography Unit. Google Earth proves to be a powerful tool to truly “see” what is being discussed. We will develop our mapping skills by identifying particular places across a world map as well as map features that help us understand maps. Students will think like geographers as they design their own maps. (Basics to know/review: continents, oceans, location of: Great Lakes, Huang He River, Mississippi River, Rio Grande River, Appalachian Mountains, Rocky Mountains, China, Egypt, and the USA.)

Personal Goals:
Students have created personal short-term and long-term goals for themselves. They are continuing their work to outline their medium term goals. In conjunction with the story, Thank you, Mr. Falker, we used Creative Problem Solving Tools to work us through this process. We first logged into Edmodo and thought creatively and brainstorm by posting possible goals we could make. This allowed us to instantly view everyone’s ideas. We then narrowed it down using a SML chart (Short, Medium and Long). Students thought critically as they chose goals that applied to themselves and added them to the appropriate areas of the chart. Their short term goal is written in their planner each week. We will reflect on it throughout the week and evaluate it at the end of the week. I have checked in with students daily to see if they need resources and/or support in reaching their goal.

Homework: It’s simplistic, but meaningful…
Reading logs- Students record their reading done at home. The expectation is that they have a book they are reading and read on a regular basis. It can be a combination of them reading alone, you reading to them, or you reading together.
Edmodo- Questions and discussions are posted weekly. The expectation is that students log-in and comment at least once a week. This can be tailored to their own personal schedule. (If there is ever an issue with internet access, please send me a note and they can log-in from school.)
Other assignments: Unfinished work, other assignments, or support on a skill that needs more practice will come home. These are on a needs-basis.

I hope it proved to be beneficial in understanding where we have been and where we are headed. Our online communication tools (Twitter, Facebook, Blog) have given brief overviews of much of what is discussed here. Please make sure you check one of those on a regular basis.

I look forward to seeing you at our designated conference time! It is a tight schedule as I work to ensure I can meet with all parents in the beginning of October. Your prompt arrival is much appreciated.

Thank you!
Melissa Follin

Got Twitter?

If you use an iOS or Android device and don't have Twitter, it would be worth it to get the app and make an account just to follow our principal (@ODCprincipal). Dr. Hedrick is very active on there and has great information to share. If you need help send me a message and I can help you set it up. Don't let Twitter scare you! You can use it just to read hers- no posting of your own necessary!

Twitter post

Posted by Dr. Hedrick on twitter: 3rd grade teachers are building student study and work habits by balancing teacher and student led learning tasks

Student Choice

Differentiated research products by interest. What did your student choose?

Genre Study

Impromptu field trip to the library... Folktales and fairytales in non-fiction? Ask your student why!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Conferences begin on Friday. Please double check your time or sign up if you haven't yet:

Resources if you need them

Some personal goals included cursive writing and reviewing continents and oceans. Resources have been uploaded into the library on Edmodo.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Goal Setting

Students created a personal, short term goal. It's written in their planner for this week. Take a look! We will reflect as the week goes on.

Home- School Connection

Conversation starter: What is your favorite genre to read and why? Are there genres they haven't tried?

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Parent Guests in the Classroom

Our geography unit begins this week. If you have visited or lived in another country and would like to share with us please contact me.

Homework for parents

Please read:

(Posted on twitter by Dr. Hedrick)

"This VBCPS gifted program site is a must see for parents and teachers.” - Dr. Hedrick

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fun-filled evening!

See you soon at Chik-Fil-A and Fall Fest!


Practicing our measurement skills. What's the mass? Volume? What do these mean? What units go with each?

Creating personal goals

While listening to the story Thank You, Mr Falker, we brainstormed short term goals via Edmodo. We saw all the ideas and decided on one.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Show me!

We had fun using the app "show me" to explain rounding. Ask your child about this! I think it's a new favorite!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Road Less Traveled in Action

Discussing setting personal goals and taking risks. Brayden's connection: "That's like taking the Road less traveled." Our theme is powerful

See you Friday!!!!!

Friday's Fall Fest 6:30pm – 8:00pm in the gym & Spirit Night at the Haygood Chick-fil-A 5pm – 7pm. (I'm serving there from 5:30-6:00!)

Math Exemplars

Math Exemplars give us the opportunity to develop our problem solving abilities and show what we understand.

The use of a rubric as we work on our Exemplar helps us stay focused on the desired outcomes.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Parent Workshop

Language arts workshop for parents on Monday, 9/23, 6:30-7:30 at ODC. Do you prefer a daytime session? Then, join us Wednesday at 10 AM.

Fun day!

Use one of these as a conversation starter!

iPads for Edmodo discussions, 1-on-1 reading conferences, versatiles, iPads in math for menu creations, looking at the app Show Me!

Math in the Real World

Students shared multiple ways to solve a problem-We discussed when an exact number is necessary and when to estimate

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Betsy Ross Research

Wrapped up our Betsy Ross research today. An overview of the whole process to come soon... Ask your child about it!

T-Shirt Orders

3rd Grade t-shirt order forms went home Tuesday. Please have them back by Friday if possible. Let me know if you need more time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Structures in writing-Putting together a jumbled paragraph led us to review the parts and think about adding details.

Discussion Questions

Discussion questions for home: What are your favorite genre of books to read and why? What did they think of Pop's Bridge that we read?


Having fun in math small groups. Our focus: reading, writing and comparing 6-digit numbers.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Math Question

Question to ask your child: What structures do we have in numeration and why are they important? Awesome discussion in class today.


Working on research together using IIM and Big 6! Ms. Smithson came in to help during small group time. Productive!


From the PTA- Quick reminders: Student Directory forms due the 19th, Stem & Destination Imagination applications due the 20th. Don't miss out!

Friday, September 13, 2013

October Conferences

Please use the link to sign-up for an October conference :)

Gummy Bear Experiment!

Ask your child about the gummy bear experiment! What surprised them? What part do we still have to finish and why? What did we measure?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Open House!

Thank you for coming to Open House! I hope you have a better feel for our collaborative, student-centered classroom. Exciting year ahead!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Our Taba!

Posted on Twitter by Dr. Hedrick: After looking at the Taba activity, I understood why these 3rd graders looked so tired this afternoon @Follin3ODC


Posted in Twitter by Dr. Hedrick: students were working on a writing assignment this afternoon.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Curl up to a good book!

Student reading logs will begin at home next week. Help your student find a cozy reading spot! We will also create a cozy spot in our classroom.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Math Discussion

Ask your child to explain why it's called a base-10 system. We are continuing our work in numeration.

Classroom Rule Creation

Working collaboratively to develop our classroom rules. We brainstormed independently & had to come to a consensus!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gifted Ed.

Posted on Twitter by Dr. Hedrick:
Why I Believe in Gifted Education in Public Schools via @zite

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars: 2nd and 3rd Grade Open House this Thurs. 6:30-7:30pm. Family Fun Night Oct 27th 6-9pm. Can't wait to see you at these!

Friday, September 6, 2013


How do you make a written pre-test exciting? Use an iPad to scan a QR code that takes you to a google doc.. Fun!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Edmodo is up and running! Check your student's planner for the log-in and password. Ready, set, edmogo....! :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

American Society Unit- Part 1

What unites us? Ask your student about the game we played outside and the discussion that followed inside about our country.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Have a discussion with your parents about how they use numbers at work or home. Students will post responses on Edmodo Thurs & Fri

Starting from Scratch Update...

Our room is coming together! Ask your student why the layout in the picture was a problem and what we decided to do:

Monday, September 2, 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Ever heard of Edmodo?

Tweeted by Dr. Hedrick: A Great Edmodo Cheat Sheet for Teachers

Check this out! We set up our accts next week! This will give you an overview.

What's your mindset?

A way to help our gifted children grow and work towards their potential:Foster a Growth Mindset


Transportation change for Tuesday? Coming one way/ going home another? Fill in the white form in your folder and please notify me ASAP.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Starting from Scratch--- Tuesday!

Here is our starting point for Tuesday... Can't wait to see where this takes us!

Great Day!

Thank you for coming to Meet and Greet!

I can feel the excitement!!!!!

It's almost time....

Patiently waiting to see 21 smiling faces!
Sneak peek----

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Building Our Classroom Together

This year we're "starting from scratch" together... What should the perfect classroom include? Bring your ideas!!!


Excited for a new year! Can't wait to meet you Thursday, August 29th from 10:15am-11:45am. Don't forget to join the PTA while you're there :)