Sunday, August 25, 2013

Building Our Classroom Together

This year we're "starting from scratch" together... What should the perfect classroom include? Bring your ideas!!!


  1. Hi Mrs.Follin, I am really excited to be joining your class at ODC. My idea of a perfect class room is a place where all students have their own personal space but still feel like they are one whole human
    think-o-matic ( machine that thinks, moves and breathes). I am REALLY looking forward to seeing you on Thursday!

    Your exhilarated student, Suraj.

  2. Suraj,
    It was so great to meet you! I can't wait to talk about this idea with our class and see how we can make it happen in our classroom!
    I'll see you Tuesday! (I know you'll love setting up our room Tuesday and then on Wednesday you can share your blogging experiences from this summer!)
    See you soon!
    Mrs. Follin
