Friday, August 30, 2013

Ever heard of Edmodo?

Tweeted by Dr. Hedrick: A Great Edmodo Cheat Sheet for Teachers

Check this out! We set up our accts next week! This will give you an overview.

What's your mindset?

A way to help our gifted children grow and work towards their potential:Foster a Growth Mindset


Transportation change for Tuesday? Coming one way/ going home another? Fill in the white form in your folder and please notify me ASAP.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Starting from Scratch--- Tuesday!

Here is our starting point for Tuesday... Can't wait to see where this takes us!

Great Day!

Thank you for coming to Meet and Greet!

I can feel the excitement!!!!!

It's almost time....

Patiently waiting to see 21 smiling faces!
Sneak peek----

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Building Our Classroom Together

This year we're "starting from scratch" together... What should the perfect classroom include? Bring your ideas!!!


Excited for a new year! Can't wait to meet you Thursday, August 29th from 10:15am-11:45am. Don't forget to join the PTA while you're there :)