Thursday, January 30, 2014

Greco-Roman Museum Update

Dear Parents,

I’m sure by now you and your child have had your fill of fretting over what is going to happen to the Greco-Roman Feast, Olympics, and Museum Grand Opening. Several inches of snow and hundreds of texts and emails later, we have rescheduled the Feast and Olympics. This was the event we had planned as a Grand Opening and parent attendance. The Feast and Olympics will now be our culminating event for the following Monday, February 10. All will occur on this day at the original scheduled times.

In the meantime, we have visitors scheduled to arrive at 9:45 Monday morningfor a tour and continuing throughout the day. Students have done an amazing job of researching and creating their exhibits, however, we have had to forego a Grand Opening and any prep we would have had with them. We are just a sliver-away from being ready! Mrs. Follin has prepared a tutorial to help answer questions and get students mentally ready for Monday. Please follow the link below. It is our hope that snow days have not dampened spirits and won’t impede our progress. The entire school is very excited to support our wonderful children in this endeavor. We are all so very proud of the work they have done!

Please have your child watch the following link, which is his or her docent training:

Mrs. Follin

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sneak Peak

Sneak peak of ODC's transformation into a Greco-Roman Museum... The snow is great, but this is even better!


Tweet by Dr. Hedrick:
@ODCprincipal: The 3rd graders' Greco-Roman museum is amazing! Student research, student design, student displays and oh my goodness, but it is impressive!

Snow day!

Stay safe in this beautiful winter wonderland. Updates to come about the Greco-Roman Museum.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Admirals Game! ODC Spirit Night!

Dr. Hedrick, Mrs. Smallwood and Mr. Head playing Whack A Mole! The winner is... Mrs. Smallwood!

Spirit Night! I love ODC!

We made every minute count today!

What a productive day!!!!!! Students worked in their museum groups. It's really coming together!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Students have a parent-child reflection in their bookbags. They are due Thurs. Please send a note if you need more time.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Improving our Communication through Parent-Child Reflection

I am always reflecting to refine my practice and improve as a teacher. These are the same skills I hope to instill in my students as they work to become life-long learners. One area I have wanted to determine a better approach is effective and frequent feedback to you, as parents, regarding your student's progress. We do have parent portal, but this does not include your student's work. Tuesday your child will bring home a packet of his or her work with the intention of parent-child reflection. While the packet includes ALL subject areas, my goal for the future is to send one reflection per week home to keep you updated. The student work is clearly aligned to the third grade objectives on the reflection so you have an understanding of just what we are working towards and looking for with each assignment. Please feel free to give me your feedback with this new process so I can continue to refine my communication with you.
Mrs. Follin

PS: Below is a copy of the explanation and reflection that will come home Tuesday attached to your student's work. This is just to give you a heads-up for what is to come.

Student Work- Parent-Child Reflection
Dear Parents,

As we continue to work towards meeting and exceeding third grade, grade-level expectations, I’d like you to take a minute to reflect with your child. While we work diligently each day, not everything we do is something that can come home for you to see. We do many activities together and also on whiteboards or orally. There is information below as well as attached so that you can review and discuss it with your child.  Please sign and return this form by Thursday, Jan. 23rd 
Math Multiplication Facts
While the goal is to memorize all facts through the 12’s, we only formally assessed some at this time. I have broken the ones being assessed into two groups.
Verbal Assessment with Mrs. Follin on:
1’s, 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 11’s                                         3’s, 4’s
__________________                                        ___________________
2 digit x 1 digit multiplication problems are attached as well as time/elapsed time quick checks. I have noticed that many careless errors arise when the questions relate to content that students have mastered, such as time. We are working on reading directions carefully and making sure to answer what is asked. This assessment will give you a quick glimpse into how your child is doing in these areas.
Teacher Comments:
Student/Parent Comment:
Writing Prompt
Students completed a prompt on the topic “My Road Not Taken”. Students could choose however they wanted to address this topic. The topic does bring varying levels of depth as one looks into the message. The depth of understanding the topic was not assessed. However, it was used as a reflection of 2013. Before break, students and I worked to create “norms” that we all expect in our writing at this point in third grade. These are listed in with the reflection for you to discuss with your child.  Our strong focus has been adding detail or elaborating in our writing. Students did much work with sensory words as well (while looking into parts of speech such as adjectives). Please use the writing reflection questions attached to discuss the piece of attached writing with your child.
Social Studies and Language Arts
As we study Greece and Rome, we have focused on non-fiction text and skills associated with non-fiction writing. We started with our research journey writing “notefacts” on Greece and sorted them onto class posters by questions the students created. For Rome we moved into a more independent method as each student had a research booklet. We started by doing it altogether and as students gained independence with the process they worked with a partner and finally independently (this is part of the gradual release method). Each page is marked to show you how it was completed (with the class- this means teacher led, with a partner, or alone). Please reflect on your student’s progress with research and the skills involved. Students brainstormed questions they had before beginning. They then used the last two pages of their research booklet to write their own questions (with the prior pages being questions focusing on the 3rd grade objectives). One personal question was required, while there was room for one more. Another piece to this puzzle was using electronic resources with a search engine such as Google. We spent a lot of time modeling and discussing what goes in the search box and how to find a good source. We linked good keyword searches to their knowledge of non-fiction text features. However you would search in a book is how you would put it into a Google search. While appropriate Google searches are not a third grade objective, they are the natural progression of where our students are headed. I also strive to see where they are and provide them with the tools necessary for success. Plus, in today’s world the reality is the internet drives much of their and our research.  
Third Grade Language Arts Objectives we focused on:
·         Determine important information from a non-fiction text
·         Ask and answer questions about what is read
·         Summarize major points in non-fiction text
·         Identify main-idea in a non-fiction text
·         Identify new information gained from reading
·         Identify appropriate resources
·         Use information from encyclopedias and other reference materials*
·         Know the difference between plagiarism and using own words*
*Not formally assessed for report cards until 3rd quarter
Please sign that you have reviewed your child’s research packet.
I would like to schedule a conference at this time to discuss my student’s work:
Circle one:           Yes              No
This will be attached to your students piece of writing-----
Writing prompt reflection questions to answer with your child:
For the student to write answers that you discuss together:
1) How do you feel you do with the norms?
Norms include (all are 3rd Grade objectives):
·         Paragraph on the same topic
·         Complete sentences
·         Correct spelling of frequent sight words
·         Proper capitalization
·         Proper punctuation
·         A, an and the used correctly
·         Indent a new paragraph
Circle one:    5 (highest) 4              3              2              1 (lowest)
If you circled 4, 3, 2, and 1, name ONE norm you need to focus on:
2) How would you rate your topic sentence? Was it clear and “catching” for your audience?
Circle one:    5 (highest) 4              3              2              1 (lowest)
If you need to modify it, how could you re-write it? (Your parents may help J .)
3) How do you feel you did using details to elaborate on your ideas?
Circle one:    5 (highest) 4              3              2              1 (lowest)
If you circled 4, 3, 2, or 1, choose one sentence from your paper and re-write it below making sure to add more detail. (Your parents may help J .)
For the parent to write answers:
Looking at your child’s paper, what do you see as his or her strengths?
Looking at your child’s paper, where would you like to see your child focus in third quarter to bring about growth?
If you had to rate your child on his or her love for writing, what would give him/her?
Circle one:    5 (highest) 4              3              2              1 (lowest)
My reason for this score:
A note to the parents about pre-writing:
While we check to see that students USE a pre-writing strategy, it has become evident that some students find this as a hindrance to their writing process. I am working with students on a case-by-case basis. If their writing is organized, sequential and flows without the pre-writing and they do not want to use it, I do not require them to use this (even though they need to know what it is). However, if these are areas where we need to focus because they are still developing their proficiency or just beginning, a pre-writing strategy is a natural step to help them make a plan before beginning. It will only aid in their development.
Teacher comment about your child’s pre-writing:

Monday, January 13, 2014


The Senate met again to determine the museum layout and exhibit criteria. Greco-Roman project brainstorming begins tomorrow! This is fun!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Jody Ullmann with Lynnhaven River NOW is using visual synectics to have have us compare items to a wetland.. How is a funnel like a wetland?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Proven growth!

Look at our growth! We started by writing facts to cut and sort by question. Now, we sort the information as we go.

Our museum is coming!

Our research is getting us ready to plan and develop our exhibits. Save the date 3rd grade parents- Jan. 31st!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Museum Brainstorm

Students are participating in a Senate to develop the structure of their 3rd grade Greco-Roman museum.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Come join us!!!

Working on a little project for reading month & our "Magical Books" celebration this Friday at 6:30pm. Dress as your favorite book character

Monday, January 6, 2014


Moving into geometry in math. How do we see lines, rays and line segments in our world? We focused on the rules for each as well.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Help us set up?

Request for parent volunteers to help set-up our Roman-Greco Museum. Tues. Jan. 28th - Thurs. Jan. 30th. 8:15-10am each day. RSVP please :)

Request for support

Request for parent volunteers to aid students in Roman-Greco product creation. Wed Jan. 15th- Mon. Jan. 27th. 8:15-10am each day. RSVP!

Rome Infographic

When in Rome... These great teaching tools are increasing in popularity. Check out the Infographic students saw:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Developing Researchers

Discussed how we can use what we know of non-fiction text features to help us when using Google to search for sources. Ask your student!