Thursday, January 30, 2014

Greco-Roman Museum Update

Dear Parents,

I’m sure by now you and your child have had your fill of fretting over what is going to happen to the Greco-Roman Feast, Olympics, and Museum Grand Opening. Several inches of snow and hundreds of texts and emails later, we have rescheduled the Feast and Olympics. This was the event we had planned as a Grand Opening and parent attendance. The Feast and Olympics will now be our culminating event for the following Monday, February 10. All will occur on this day at the original scheduled times.

In the meantime, we have visitors scheduled to arrive at 9:45 Monday morningfor a tour and continuing throughout the day. Students have done an amazing job of researching and creating their exhibits, however, we have had to forego a Grand Opening and any prep we would have had with them. We are just a sliver-away from being ready! Mrs. Follin has prepared a tutorial to help answer questions and get students mentally ready for Monday. Please follow the link below. It is our hope that snow days have not dampened spirits and won’t impede our progress. The entire school is very excited to support our wonderful children in this endeavor. We are all so very proud of the work they have done!

Please have your child watch the following link, which is his or her docent training:

Mrs. Follin

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