Sunday, September 21, 2014

Language Arts Update

Where have we been and where are we headed?
A Language Arts Update:
Students have taken on the 40 book challenge and are off to a great start! Over the course of the year they will read 40 books across different genres. Their binders have the pages necessary to keep track of their progress and guide them along the way. They should always have a book they are working on at school and home (using the same book for both is completely acceptable). In class during the week they complete a book response of their choice off of the choice board. While some students finish them at home on Thursdays, these need to be done independently with no parent help. As a parent, I know it can be hard to leave them as is as you find ways to offer support, but I ask that you resist the urge so I can review them from both a reading and writing perspective and plan instruction accordingly. I am continuing DRAs (Developmental Reading Assessments- giving a reading level) during this same language arts block and should be finished this week. From here students will begin novel study groups created by both choice and reading level. We read the novel Matilda together as a class and started working on sign-posts. Signposts are a close reading strategy that take students deeper into the text and provide questions to trigger their thinking of what happened and why it is important. So far, we have looked at Aha Moments, Again and Agains, and Tough Questions. We will continue these throughout the year and add to them until we regularly use all six. The IIM research method (Independent Investigation Method) has provided us with a great structure as we research questions related to our Earth, Sun, Moon unit. Students have personal questions in their binders that they are curious about and we also worked on two class questions, “What else is out there (beyond our solar system)?” and “What was the significance of the Apollo Missions?” Having class questions provided us with an anchor to build our understanding of the research process. We put a lot of time into selecting a credible source and taking paraphrased notes. Students brainstormed all skills needed to be a good researcher and we will continue to work on each element of the list as the year goes on. This coming week research continues in small groups as students develop questions regarding the rover they will design for their chosen celestial body. They will research before beginning the design phase. This week we are also beginning our first Junior Great Books story of the year, Thank you Ma’am. Students will work with the same text all week and participate in a shared inquiry discussion at the end of the week where they think through a question and take a position as well as provide textual evidence to support their ideas.
As you can see, language arts is integrated, providing students will multiple opportunities to develop and refine skills throughout the day and across content areas.
It’s been an exciting start and I look forward to the journey ahead! 

-Mrs. Follin

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